Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Whoa life

I'm now realizing this 30 day challenge might have to happen in increments of 5 days at a time. I just don't have the time to get on here and upload a photo a day. You might say to yourself, "But Erin you're unemployed..", as I often say to myself when ever I'm feeling good about myself (keeps the ego in check), "you have all the time in the world". Surprisingly, I'm busy. Crazyness.

Day 2: My outfit of the day

Photograph what I was wearing for the day. More of these self photographs...c'mon. Not my favorite thing. Thus my forced smile. This was the day it was 95 degrees and I was crabby everywhere I went. Usually, I tolerate the heat very well. I don't know what my deal was. Anyway, the outfit's theme was to wear as little clothes as possible without being too hot. A thin tank top from either urban outfitters or forever twenty-one...I don't remember. It is a grey owl with a rainbow over it with breezy grey cotton shorts. My long horse hair didn't stay down for very long. It was far too hot for that.

Day 3: Clouds

The clouds on day three were lame. Not the clouds above. This photo was taken a month or so ago at 9pm! I will certainly miss that about the summer. I figured I could swap this photo of the clouds outside my apartment  instead of showing you the true uneventful clouds of day three.

Day 4: Something Green

I thought of maybe doing some sort of environmentally green photo but yesterday, which was an amazing fall day, my husband wore his favorite green hoodie. And he is my favorite. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

On pinterest.com, my new obsession/affair, I came across a thirty day photo challenge list. I found this challenge to be purposeful because a) my husband bought me an expensive camera that I need to use more and b) its a list and I love lists...

Day 1

A portrait:

I might have taken 60 pictures of myself. Everyone of them feeling like a 14 year old girl trying spice up her myspace profile. It is kind of awkward and then you start seeing all the flaws in yourself. You notice one eye is bigger than the other, or that botox would help the bags under your eyes, or that your face is rounder than you'd like. Or perhaps you understand why people mistake you for being from Greece....its the nose. Taking a million pictures of yourself is humbling. Yet, doing it I could see pictures of myself as a little kid showing through the new photos. I never really saw that before. I always have had the opinion that I look nothing like I did when I was 7 or 5. Lo and behold I do. You also begin to see what you'll look like in 10 years or in 20. You'll also wonder what some photo editor from hollywood would do to your pictures.

It was an odd experience. I don't think I cared for it.