I was looking forward to this weekend for weeks. Along side of one of my coupons for Velvet ice cream I saw an advertisement for their yearly ice cream festival. Ice cream happens to be my husbands favorite food, however if you asked him he'd assure you it was a food group due the vast amount of amazing flavors you can choose from. I told my brother and sister-in-law about this event and we decided we would drive the two hours to Utica, Ohio to attend.
True to it's word, the fair didn't let us down. There were vendors full of little homemade crafts, foods, games etc. and best of all really delicious ice cream. We visited the factory where it was made and made an afternoon of it. We headed off to Columbus to visit my good friend from grade/high school, Michelle and her boyfriend Luke, for mexican dinner. The day had no rain, it was filled with friends, and I couldn't have been happier. Also, side note: Utica had amazing garage sales. I'm going to have to go back there this summer just for those. We were unable to stop at any of them due to our dinner date but I couldn't believe how many there were!
Today after church my in-laws had a bbq filled with great burgers, cheesy potatoes, watermelon, popcicles, cookies, summer shandy, brats, you name it...it was there. We laughed, talked, and got the pool ready for summer. I could feel the food baby set in and myself want to take a nap. We napped for about an hour and got up to go to a movie my mom had been telling about for a few days called Forks Over Knives. I recommend it to anyone. I knew what I was going to see. I knew that I would walk out of there wanting to change the way I eat. I was truly hoping this would give be the edge to eat the way my body needs it to. I know that this idea of a plant based diet (the essence of the movie) can cure and prevent over 85% of America's health problems. My father is a walking poster child. He was diagnosed easter of 2010 with stage 4 cancer in his colon that had spread to a half dozen other locations in his body. He quit chemo treatments to take on a plant based diet and he is walking, running, working today. You can't tell at all that he had or has cancer. We can't tell and it doesn't matter because the Lord healed him and his plant based diet keeps him going pain free. I know this works.
I don't have any conditions like high blood pressure, heart issues, etc. but I hate waking up...I'm tired all the time..I don't feel energized. The odd thing about it is that I don't eat like crap. To the majority of Americans I eat great! I avoid fast food and don't consume soda other than my once a week jack daniels. I try and shop organically and am food conscious. I think my problem is that I survive off bread and grains and dairy. I need to implement more fruits and vegetables instead of bread grains and meats. Instead of having a chicken and vegetables on the side, I need to have vegetables with a little card deck sized chicken on the side. People say, "oh but you're not living!" After watching that movie...I won't be living.
So... What I am going to do is do a 25 day plant based diet. I'm going to journal it, blog about it, whatever to help me be disciplined. At the end of the day I'm hoping to lose my last little bit of weight, feel better, be more of a morning person, and have the energy of a 5 year old. I'm sad, yet excited. I had last supper WEEKEND I suppose. I now feel like purging but, the new diet starts soon and I am going to keep you posted! Oh and go see that movie... its playing at Cedar Lee only here, but maybe its more local other places.
Wow a jamm packed weekend! :) Glad you had a great time eating icecream and spending time with those you love. Glad to have you apart of the "blogging club" ;) It's super addicting!