Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Whoa life

I'm now realizing this 30 day challenge might have to happen in increments of 5 days at a time. I just don't have the time to get on here and upload a photo a day. You might say to yourself, "But Erin you're unemployed..", as I often say to myself when ever I'm feeling good about myself (keeps the ego in check), "you have all the time in the world". Surprisingly, I'm busy. Crazyness.

Day 2: My outfit of the day

Photograph what I was wearing for the day. More of these self photographs...c'mon. Not my favorite thing. Thus my forced smile. This was the day it was 95 degrees and I was crabby everywhere I went. Usually, I tolerate the heat very well. I don't know what my deal was. Anyway, the outfit's theme was to wear as little clothes as possible without being too hot. A thin tank top from either urban outfitters or forever twenty-one...I don't remember. It is a grey owl with a rainbow over it with breezy grey cotton shorts. My long horse hair didn't stay down for very long. It was far too hot for that.

Day 3: Clouds

The clouds on day three were lame. Not the clouds above. This photo was taken a month or so ago at 9pm! I will certainly miss that about the summer. I figured I could swap this photo of the clouds outside my apartment  instead of showing you the true uneventful clouds of day three.

Day 4: Something Green

I thought of maybe doing some sort of environmentally green photo but yesterday, which was an amazing fall day, my husband wore his favorite green hoodie. And he is my favorite. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

On pinterest.com, my new obsession/affair, I came across a thirty day photo challenge list. I found this challenge to be purposeful because a) my husband bought me an expensive camera that I need to use more and b) its a list and I love lists...

Day 1

A portrait:

I might have taken 60 pictures of myself. Everyone of them feeling like a 14 year old girl trying spice up her myspace profile. It is kind of awkward and then you start seeing all the flaws in yourself. You notice one eye is bigger than the other, or that botox would help the bags under your eyes, or that your face is rounder than you'd like. Or perhaps you understand why people mistake you for being from Greece....its the nose. Taking a million pictures of yourself is humbling. Yet, doing it I could see pictures of myself as a little kid showing through the new photos. I never really saw that before. I always have had the opinion that I look nothing like I did when I was 7 or 5. Lo and behold I do. You also begin to see what you'll look like in 10 years or in 20. You'll also wonder what some photo editor from hollywood would do to your pictures.

It was an odd experience. I don't think I cared for it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Reading

If you're from Westpark, like I am, you remember Book Club at the Westpark Library. Maybe Book Club was everywhere, but we did these mini book reports to the same librarian for years in order to get Indians tickets! I wish there was adult book club rewards...

This summer is the first summer since I graduated from high school over six years a go that I have been able to read for fun. I forgot how hopelessly I become a part of the stories. Depending on how good the book is, it takes me a few days to process that the book is over and it didn't really happen. That is really sad. I probably shouldn't admit that.

The three books that have consumed me and kept me up til 2am turning pages are: The Help, Water for Elephants, and Redeeming Love. These books all captivated my heart and had me cheering aloud.

The Help: If you've been paying attention to previews, magazines, and talk shows you've probably heard of this one. The movie stars Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, and Viola Davis. It is a look at the unspoken behavior and civil rights issues regarding black women working as maids for white women in southern Mississippi. One women tries to help tell the stories of the maids and begins an unlikely sisterhood that initiates "changing times" in their city. There is drama, there is scandal, and everything else that makes a good book. I literally was cheering out loud and had to explain my to my husband the story because I was so excited. The book and the movie (which is due to come out this Wednesday) have had rave reviews. I read some articles that angry black women had written complaining that a the women who wrote the book, who are white, still can't comprehend the truths about the matter. All while that might be true, she did a commendable job and wrote a beautiful story that I think if any race was angry with the book they might have issues all together. Some people complained that black women didn't need the white women's help at all with telling their story. They said it would have happened with or without them. Maybe, but maybe those white people deserve a pat on the back for being brave and standing up. For standing alongside their friends because they believed the right things no matter what society deemed appropriate. Anyway, it was a great book and I recommend it to everyone and I am very excited to see the film.

Water for Elephants: I know this was a movie.  I never saw it. I thought it looked overly girly and I'd have to do some sucking up to my hubby to make him take me to it. Otherwise, it just seemed like a solid redbox rental. Turns out this awesome love story had me intertwined in the pages. Its a love story about a veterinarian who loses everything only to actually run away with the circus only to fall in love with a married women and develop a loving relationship with an elephant that no one else can understand. I kept picturing Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon in my mind in the roles because I knew they starred in the movie. I think that added to the greatness. So now I must wait for the dvd out, which I can't find a release date for....so if anyone knows anything about that let me know!

Redeeming Love: This book is over 450 pages and I read it in three days. My mom and friend had been telling me for years to read this book. I now know why. It is an amazing story about a girl that was sold in to sex slavery and grew to become a renown prostitute only to be rescued by a man who wants to marry her because God told him to and pursues her heart with unconditional love. Its a story of redemption that can be compared to Christ's love for us. It is incredible and I could not put it down.

I encourage book club to all!! I'll try to update soon with my next three books!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

lemons and sunshine: Hocking Hills Mini Getaway

lemons and sunshine: Hocking Hills Mini Getaway: "This past week my husband and I spent two days in Hocking Hills, Ohio. What a glorious time! I totally underestimated Ohio. My mother had be..."

Hocking Hills Mini Getaway

This past week my husband and I spent two days in Hocking Hills, Ohio. What a glorious time! I totally underestimated Ohio. My mother had been there last year and kinda gave me the rundown, but what I saw for myself surpassed any words of promise. I could not wrap my head around the vastness of God's creation. I felt so small next to these gigantic caves and cliffs. It reminded me of these Robert Duncanson paintings I studied over the summer. We went with my husbands parents and two brothers, and stayed in this charming cabin that had the most fabulous bed I've ever slept on. Although, I could have been in love with it just because it was so different from the rock I sleep on now. My husband's poor hard laboring back requires firmness.(Save me sleep number bed! ) The hiking in the muggy woods was actually quite nice. I enjoyed burning all that energy only to end up in some sort of corner of heaven. My mom bought me these cute hiking boots for Christmas and I boldly wore them accepting all blistering consequences just to feel like a real hiker. I crack myself up. I would have loved to stay there longer. I would love to return in the fall. I guess it is just something to put on my to do list then :)

Those little white specs in the caves are people...that is how big this is!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ugh..The Corporate World

I've seriously been on the computer searching for a career/promising job for over two hours. I think what I am primarily frustrated at is that I have no clue as to what I'm doing. I mean, I know how to search for jobs...I just don't know what exactly I am looking for. When I started college in 2005 ( a whopping six years ago) I was going so my dad would quit nagging me about being someone without a college degree. I think I tried three majors before I arrived at Fine Arts: Painting. Since I could hold a crayon I have been doing artsy things, and by the time I transferred to Cleveland state in 2007 I decided that if I was going to pay for college myself I might as well love being there, and the only way to love school is to be participating in the arts. Come to find out, I took way more psychology and sociology classes than I did art classes but somehow still came out with a paper that says I studied art as my major. People always ask me, in a very condescending way mind you, "So, uh...what do you see yourself doing with a degree like that?" I'd always answer with "I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there." It seemed like a safe answer from further pestering, but an answer that I was totally believing as truth too.

I hate job searching, I hate being new at a job, and worst of all I hate not having a concrete plan when it comes to my finances. I could be good at a plethora of things. I know it! I just feel like employers are so judgmental when it comes to resumes. Hello..I was a dog walker, a nanny,  a customer service representative for a summer, a waitress, and a bar tender. These are all jobs that were flexible around attending school full time! None of these are promising careers. So I have to start from square one.

So, I actually went to the library and got out books on job hunting as a college grad, job interviewing, and pursuing my dream job. Which I still don't know what that is. A dream job to me is something that I make a surprising amount of money doing something that doesn't feel like work.

Dream Job Ideas:

If I could somehow paint like a maniac and produce wall hanging worthy crap I would totally bust my rear end trying to live as an artist. Cleveland, my sad pride and joy, is not really the market for that. I have sold one painting when I actually tried to market myself (on facebook no less). I know its possible. I feel like I'm trying to win the lottery when I plan it out though. Could I swing it into a full blown possible career making a decent respectable living? Maybe

I actually wish I would have gone the sports route. I could see myself handling a sports teams marketing, or public relations. I actually think I might make a pretty good agent. From my findings today: A) you had to pay a membership to see any sports job listings B) that's ridiculous C)I feel like I'm fighting a man's world, and those kind of girls irk me.

Non-profit is an area where I feel like my heart comes alive. I love helping people. I love knowing that my job isn't designed to benefit capitalism. I'm still confused on who pays a person working in a non profit business, yet knowing that one of the differences between a non-profit job and a profit job is where the money goes when or if something happens to the business. This one might pan out. Can I travel?

Entrepreneurial ideas run in my blood. My grandfather...was some sort of peddler...possibly illegal but that is besides the point. My dad has been trying to start his own business since I can remember...right now he is fiddling with a private investigator business and being a dog walker after he retires. I'd like to start my own floral shop...maybe a art lessons for kids. My friend Ali once came up with a gift wrapping business while she was high. Despite her marijuana use..it didn't sound like a bad plan maybe that plus gift baskets.

Reality TV show. If my grandpa hadn't passed away two years ago my family would have been a prime candidate for a tv show. He would have been the token cynical, hillbilly grandfather- whose opinion not only rarely made sense but probably wasn't true. God bless him. My brothers are both entertaining yet irresponsible. My sister is just in that stage where she thinks her life is a disney channel show. My mom is hilarious and I would bet she'd be a favorite character. Oh and my dad...he doesn't know how hilarious he is and that would be the hidden gem right there. Maybe the lure of being famous is what makes me what this...who doesn't want to be able to buy whatever, have their hair pretty all the time, and receive endorsements and free crap all the time?

Heck could someone pay me to blog?? I have about 2 followers right now, but I'm pretty sure I could craftily ramble for some cash flow.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holy smokes. Its been too long. Well, in the quick time that summer has almost gone so much has happened. I friggin graduated college, I turned 24, and am still without a career.

I decided to finish my college career by enrolling three 6 week classes and one 8 week class. Mind you, these are all classes that are typically done in a 15 week frame. They don't lighten the load, they don't cut you any breaks, they just pound psychology and sociology and art down your throat until it is what you dream about. I finished. I took six years to get my bachelors degree, and that is o.k. because I did it well and I did it on my own dime. I was so thankful to my husband who let me quit my wretched serving job and just do school work for 8 weeks. I seriously woke up at 8am...went to school until 1pm, came home and did school online until 6pm, made dinner and went back to it til about 10pm. Oh, it was exhausting. I didn't feel like a person at all. I was pure robot. Sometimes I had to make myself be rebellious and go on a date night with my husband and promise myself I'd wake up at 6am to get started the next day. Anyway, I finished. I finished getting As and Bs and I couldn't be more happy to be done with college.

Since then....family parties, the fourth of July and my birthday has highlighted my summer fun, along with Josie and Noah returning from Costa Rica. I have been watching them daily until they go back to school here in Bay Village mid August. Next week, the Miranda family...all...9 of us are going to Hocking Hills to camp and hike and all sorts of goodness. I'm very excited for that! I'm hoping it not to be rainy or one of those 105 degree heat index days.

For my birthday my husband got me my dream camera. I wasn't actually sure what I wanted in a dream camera. Any pretty big nikon would do, and he got me just that. So expect better posted pictures! I now have time to do that. I now have time to paint...to read...to exercise. I have no limits. So now, as my job search continues, I plan to actually enjoy life while finding a job that doesn't feel like work. I'm determined not to sell out.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

America the Fat and Beautiful...Oh and God Bless our Troops.

I am always pumped for holiday weekends. Who isn't? People wear absurd patriotic clothing, stuff their faces, and hang out. I think a lot of people, maybe just my age, tend to forget the many men and women who have served and are currently serving this country to keep us safe and this day is really about them. Freedom isn't free. This day can be about great cook outs and spending time with family, but say a prayer for those who are missing their loved ones because they are out there sacrificing their time to protect us. God bless our troops!

I was looking forward to this weekend for weeks. Along side of one of my coupons for Velvet ice cream  I saw an advertisement for their yearly ice cream festival. Ice cream happens to be my husbands favorite food, however if you asked him he'd assure you it was a food group due the vast amount of amazing flavors you can choose from. I told my brother and sister-in-law about this event and we decided we would drive the two hours to Utica, Ohio to attend.

 True to  it's word, the fair didn't let us down. There were vendors full of little homemade crafts, foods, games etc. and best of all really delicious ice cream. We visited the factory where it was made and made an afternoon of it. We headed off to Columbus to visit my good friend from grade/high school, Michelle and her boyfriend Luke, for mexican dinner. The day had no rain, it was filled with friends, and I couldn't have been happier. Also, side note: Utica had amazing garage sales. I'm going to have to go back there this summer just for those. We were unable to stop   at any of them due to our dinner date but I couldn't believe how many there were!

Today after church my in-laws had a bbq filled with great burgers, cheesy potatoes, watermelon, popcicles, cookies, summer shandy, brats, you name it...it was there. We laughed, talked, and got the pool ready for summer. I could feel the food baby set in and myself want to take a nap. We napped for about an hour and got up to go to a movie my mom had been telling about for a few days called Forks Over Knives. I recommend it to anyone. I knew what I was going to see. I knew that I would walk out of there wanting to change the way I eat. I was truly hoping this would give be the edge to eat the way my body needs it to. I know that this idea of a plant based diet (the essence of the movie) can cure and prevent over 85% of America's health problems. My father is a walking poster child. He was diagnosed easter of 2010 with  stage 4 cancer in his colon that had spread to a half dozen other locations in his body. He quit chemo treatments to take on a plant based diet and he is walking, running, working today. You can't tell at all that he had or has cancer. We can't tell and it doesn't matter because the Lord healed him and his plant based diet keeps him going pain free. I know this works.

I don't have any conditions like high blood pressure, heart issues, etc. but I hate waking up...I'm tired all the time..I don't feel energized. The odd thing about it is that I don't eat like crap. To the majority of Americans I eat great! I avoid fast food and don't consume soda other than my once a week jack daniels. I try and shop organically and am food conscious. I think my problem is that I survive off bread and grains and dairy. I need to implement more fruits and vegetables instead of bread grains and meats. Instead of having a chicken and vegetables on the side, I need to have vegetables with a little card deck sized chicken on the side. People say, "oh but you're not living!" After watching that movie...I won't be living.

So... What I am going to do is do a 25 day plant based diet. I'm going to journal it, blog about it, whatever to help me be disciplined. At the end of the day I'm hoping to lose my last little bit of weight, feel better, be more of a morning person, and have the energy of a 5 year old. I'm sad, yet excited. I had last supper WEEKEND I suppose. I now feel like purging but, the new diet starts soon and I am going to keep you posted! Oh and go see that movie... its playing at Cedar Lee only here, but maybe its more local other places.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Blogging and Who I Want to Be This Week

I've been told I should blog...I often thought if I had more time I would. After having so many inner monologues in my head (this is due to too much Dexter) and really procrastinating about everything else I do, I ran out of excuses not to. I truly enjoy reading other people's blogs, maybe perhaps... people would enjoy reading mine too?

What has been on my mind lately is school, and what kind of job I am going to have when I'm finished this July. This last stretch of summer six week courses is a) a ridiculous work load and b) centered around urban sociology and global sociology. Surprisingly interesting classes. I initially started college with zero guidance nor personal interest in my life when college was over. Now, after six years, I wish I could do it over. There are so many cool jobs that could stem from other majors I didn't even know about. I will be graduating with a blah art degree, which I am unsure if the word liberal will be in front of it or not. (That in itself shows you how uninterested I was.) These current classes have nothing to do with art, yet I've saved them for the very last. So I'm in these classes learning about third world countries, urban planning, how communities work together etc. and I'm thinking "Man, America the downright spoiled". How often do I go through life taking for granted literally everything. A lot of people that go to other countries, including myself, use that phrase "we take everything for granted here in the U.S.". You hear it so often that you almost put up a wall so you don't try and understand how that might actually feel. I know America is the wealthiest nation. I was just caught off guard by the arrogance of it. As I'm sitting through these classes learning about the sickness of consumerism, I can feel myself yearn to have a job in some sort of humanitarian field. Maybe out of guilt? Maybe that I'm the most happy when I am helping others.

I have a class, taught by a wonderful British man, dedicated solely to the lives of New York homeless men who make their living selling books and magazines. I've always treated homeless people in a positive way. I've always given into whatever story they were telling to score $2. I maintain the stance that though it might be a lie, so what if it is. Either way they're worse of then me who always has $2 in the bottom of her purse. But, "Oh you're contributing to their drug habit or alcohol consumption...tisk tisk." Maybe, maybe not though. Maybe that day they were looking for bus money or to get a warmer shirt. I don't know, but I don't think that it is my place to judge. Anyway, this class has opened a whole new light on homeless people. I wanna love on them all. The book I'm reading by the end of this week is called Sidewalk  by Mitch Duneier if anyone is interested. I've been thinking so much about it even when I'm not reading that I even dreamed about homeless guys last night.

So today I spent the time I was supposed to be doing my online African-American art class googling humanitarian jobs and volunteer work. Trying to establish a plan that I could convince my husband to follow along with. It was a dead end today, but maybe tomorrow. I definitely need to volunteer more after I finish college. I love it. I always have. I love it because I actually want nothing in return. That feeling feels so good, like my soul smiles. I want to make a difference.

 I have hit a limit with material things. Everything in that sense is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things if what we do here is really just for furthering His kingdom. The awesome neon sports bra at Target for $16.00 doesn't beat sending $20.00 to Joplin victims anymore. I wish we all made that quick decision more often. No, you don't need the newest Ipad or an $120 pair of sunglasses or jeans. I don't know if it is a point of growing up, but the need to acknowledge the needy is there, or at least with all the disasters happening daily it should be. Its funny how what we think our needs are luxuries.With so many of the things we buy for ourselves, what if we  decided... "Hey, I'm not gonna go to starbucks this month, and every time I do feel like it I'm gonna put my grande $4.00 in a cup and send it to Doctors Without Borders so someone can get better from a disease that is easily cured with something out of Giant Eagle's pharmacy." If you need help sticking that $4.00 away, know that 1.75 billion people live on less that $1.25 a day. I think we'd be surprised on how little effort could help so much in your own city, country, state, internationally, what have you. We have the resources, it just takes one action of love to keep it going.

This photo was taken by an amazing photographer, probably my favorite, Jeremy Cowart. He did a 'Voices of Haiti' series. Their sign says, " we will never give up."

"Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." 1 Peter:4:9-10
