Day 2: My outfit of the day
Photograph what I was wearing for the day. More of these self photographs...c'mon. Not my favorite thing. Thus my forced smile. This was the day it was 95 degrees and I was crabby everywhere I went. Usually, I tolerate the heat very well. I don't know what my deal was. Anyway, the outfit's theme was to wear as little clothes as possible without being too hot. A thin tank top from either urban outfitters or forever twenty-one...I don't remember. It is a grey owl with a rainbow over it with breezy grey cotton shorts. My long horse hair didn't stay down for very long. It was far too hot for that.
Day 3: Clouds
The clouds on day three were lame. Not the clouds above. This photo was taken a month or so ago at 9pm! I will certainly miss that about the summer. I figured I could swap this photo of the clouds outside my apartment instead of showing you the true uneventful clouds of day three.
Day 4: Something Green
I thought of maybe doing some sort of environmentally green photo but yesterday, which was an amazing fall day, my husband wore his favorite green hoodie. And he is my favorite.